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Stay up to date with our monthly newsletter released by Club President Graham Evans

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September Newsletter from Graham Evans

Denbigh and District Probus Club

News from the

Meeting September 2nd 2024

It was good to see 39 present for this month’s meeting Our guest was Steve Tootell’s
mum, Brenda who was visiting. Unfortunately, Dawn and John Roe were unable to
join us as John has undergone an operation to receive a pacemaker. He is back at
home making a steady recovery.
We also had apologies from :Alun Heddwyn Jones, Maggie Griffiths, Huw Wilkie,
David Meredith Jones, Peter Gibson. Mike and Lesley Freeman, Janet Smith, Anne
Mellor, Ian Glass. Bob Jones and Merfyn Roberts. We look forward to meeting them
all soon.
We had an offering of thanks before the meal
We give thanks for the Summer despite the weather
And for all the friends and family we’ve shared it with
Also we think of those who unwell at the moment
And wish them a speedy recovery
The meal was Mince Beef and Onion pie followed by Eton Mess served by the
younger members of staff, as Joanne was on holiday.
Following the meal there was a toast to the King.
From the committee meeting I reminded members that November would be the
AGM (November 4 th ) if any member wishes to institute a change to the
constitution they should submit details in writing to the Business Officer, Richard, in
such time as to permit prior consideration by the committee before the AGM in
November --------------- i.e. before the October meeting.
We were joined at our committee meeting today by Dewi Owen on his first duty as
vice president. Thank you Dewi.
This month we congratulate Avril Robarts and Lesley Freeman on their birthdays.
I then introduced this month’s speaker, Phil Hackney who spoke about Blood Bikes,
a fascinating topic which Julia Highes has kindly reported on for us and I attach her
report to this newsletter. The report will also be available on our Probus website.

Following questions for Phil a vote of thanks to the speaker was extended by
newmember Alan Andrews, who is an experienced and enthusiastic motorcyclist
There was a toast to Denbigh and District Probus Club and we were then invited to
look over the Blood Bike in the car park, with our speakers explaining and
demonstrating the special features of the BMW.
The next meeting will be on Monday October 7th when the speaker will be Brian
Lewis on the subject of Rogers and Hammerstein.
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